



  学校教育教学质量一流,每年向高一级学校输送大批优秀人才,在质和量上多年来始终保持省市较高水平。高考本科率、重点率稳居全市公办高中前四位,连续十多年受到市教育局表彰,特别是近几年,高考成绩不断提升,每年200多人升入全国重点大学,有1800多人次获得国家、省、市级各类学科竞赛奖励。学校开展有中美学校合作项目;与英国DeLisie Catholic Science School建立了教育合作关系,两校在师生交流、学生夏令营,汉语及英语教学、师资培训等方面进行广泛合作。建校60余年来,培养了包括贺捷生将军(贺龙之女)、“长江学者”刘俊、《货币战争》作者宋鸿兵、“全国五一劳动奖章”获得者林原、“全球领导者奖学金”获得者、清华博士施侃乐、“中国十大杰出大学生”李婕达等在内的大批党和国家领导干部以及数以万计活跃在国内外各行各业的优秀人才。


  Middle School Attached to Sichuan Normal University is a public school with 60-year history. It is one of the national Model High Schools and provincial Key Schools.

  The school has two campuses, junior high campus and senior high campus, which cover an area of 86667 square meters. The buildings take up space of 50000 square meters. The senior high campus is at the foot of Lion Hill and adjacent to Sichuan Normal University, with 192 teaching staff, 39 classes and 2100 students; The junior high one is in the downtown area with 121 teaching staff, 27 classes and 1350 students. Tranquility in both campuses makes the students concentrated on study. Both campuses are well-equipped. There are multi-media classrooms, language lab, computer room and other labs. The library is well-stocked with 200 thousand books. The dinning hall is spacious and modern. There is also a plastic playground. 

  The teaching staff are passionate, well-educated, and meeting the needs of rapid development of the society. More than 40 teachers have received their master’s degree, and over 80 teachers have studied in the training courses for master’s degree. Until October 2012, there have been 11 provincial top grade teachers, over 120 senior grade teachers, 1 provincial academic leading teacher, 3 candidates of provincial education experts, 8 supervisors of postgraduate teacher of Sichuan Normal University, 1 municipal education expert, 12 municipal academic leader teachers, 6 district academic leading teachers, 21 municipal excellent young teachers and 24 candidates of municipal academic leading teachers. Every year, several teaching staff are assigned to be the supervisors or team leaders of groups who mark the national college entrance examination papers. 

   The school is well-reputed by its scrupulous teaching style, great learning environment, pure school spirit and high education quality. Education quality is guaranteed here. The school remains in top four in regard to graduates’ university-entrance rate, which has been awarded by Chengdu Education Bureau for over ten years consecutively. In recent years, the improvement is obvious with 90% graduates’ university-entrance rate. More than 200 graduates enter national key university and world-renowned universities in other countries annually. For the past 60 years, excellent students have graduated from this school and become the backbone of the society.
